Author Archives: Bayside Center

Comparing a Mini Tuck, Tummy Tuck, and Beltectomy

Especially after illness or losing a lot of weight, it is common to have some stubborn fat and tissues in the abdominal area that just won’t go away no matter how hard you try. When you’ve done everything you can, including talking to your doctor, to try to tone that stubborn area and none of it has worked, you might

Must Have Cosmetic Procedures After Rapid Weight Loss

Have you lost a lot of weight in recent months or years? If so, you probably have some areas of your body that have been resistant to diet and exercise. These stubborn, fatty areas can make clothing fit poorly and interfere with daily activities. Ridding yourself of these problem areas can seem impossible, and you aren’t alone. Many people who

Top Reasons People Elect for Plastic Surgery

When you think of plastic surgery, do you automatically picture models, actresses, and the otherwise rich and famous coveting and preserving their beauty? In reality, many average people have cosmetic surgical procedures every day in the U.S. Patients undergo plastic surgery for different reasons, many of them deeply personal. Here are some of the more common reasons people decide to

How Our Reconstructive Services Can Improve Your Quality of Life

When most people think of breast plastic surgery, they think of models and actors getting breast implants. But in reality, there are many situations in which the breasts may undergo trauma or illness and need to be reconstructed to restore your quality of life. Here is what you need to know about the differences between elective breast augmentation and breast

Things to Consider When Timing Your Cosmetic Procedure

Are you thinking about cosmetic surgery? There are a lot of things you need to keep in mind and work out before getting your procedure. A lot of this will be covered by the surgeon during your consultation. But when it comes to timing your surgery, only you can make those decisions. Here are some things to keep in mind

Pamper Yourself with These Anti-Aging Treatments

Spring is the time of year that we honor our mothers and fathers. With Mother’s Day in May, this time of year is great for showing your mother or yourself some love. Anti-aging treatments are often minimally invasive, pain free, comfortable, and sometimes even relaxing; and, of course, you get to enjoy the benefits and results. Here are some of

The Best Time to Get a Mommy Makeover

Being a mother is a wonderful blessing, but it also comes with some sacrifices. Those sacrifices start when you first become pregnant, and some of them can wreak havoc on your body. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have a detrimental effect on your body’s shape and elasticity. While diet and exercise can help you get back the figure you had before

Most Common Body Contouring Areas

When you think of body contouring, you probably think about procedures like a tummy tuck or liposuction. However, there are many areas of your body that you can have contoured besides your abdomen. Here are some of the most common body contouring areas. Thighs Fat accumulation in the upper thighs is difficult to beat, especially for women. Even if you

Breast Lift or Augmentation? Making the Decision

If you have lost volume in your breasts, you are not alone. Many women lose volume in their breasts after pregnancy and childbirth, especially if they breastfeed for a year or more. Breasts can also sag due to weight loss or as a natural part of aging.  The automatic response for most women who don’t like their breasts is to

Who Can Perform a Mohs Surgery?

There are several different types of skin cancer, but most of them are not seriously life threatening, especially if they are caught early. For several types of skin cancer, the treatment calls for carefully removing the diseased skin until clean margins are obtained. This is called a Mohs surgery, named after the doctor who developed the technique. If your primary