Author Archives: Bayside Center

Common Cosmetic Procedures After Extreme Weight Loss

If you have lost 100 pounds or more, you have accomplished something wonderful for your health. You should be very proud of yourself, but you may still be lacking self-confidence. Often when people lose a significant amount of weight it results in flaps of skin, stubborn fat that will not go away with diet and exercise, or loose skin. Sometimes

Why You Should Have a Breast Lift

Have you considered having surgery on your breasts? You may be considering having a reduction to make them smaller or an augmentation procedure to make them larger. In either case, you may not need to go to these drastic measures. In many situations, a breast lift can give you the look and feel you desire without more invasive and complex

What You Need to Know About the Mommy Makeover

The Mommy Makeover is a special package of cosmetic surgery procedures that are designed to bring your body back to where it was before you had children. Having children is a huge sacrifice, and one of those sacrifices is your body’s shape and size. Just as you can counterbalance some of the other sacrifices you make for your children, so