Breast Implants and Recovery – Advice for Women in Tampa
If you’re thinking about undergoing surgery for the placement of breast implants, you’re probably wondering about your recovery and how soon you will be able to resume your daily routine and begin enjoying your new silhouette. Prior to your procedure, your surgeon will talk with you in detail about what you can expect before, during, and after the operation, and how you may feel. To help you prepare in the meantime, Dr. John Roach, founder of the Bayside Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and a well-respected surgeon in the Tampa area, can offer some general insight on the healing process that follows breast augmentation surgery.
Immediately after the placement of your breast implants, your recovery will be characterized by some swelling and soreness, which you can expect to crest during the first 24 to 48 hours, and then gradually wane over the next several weeks. Your surgeon may recommend painkillers to help alleviate your pain as the anesthesia wears off. You will most likely feel like resting, which is crucial to proper healing, so it’s very important that you do so. In addition, moving about may cause you some discomfort, so it’s best to arrange to have a reliable family member or friend available to assist you during this time.
Over the next few days, you might try cold compresses or light massage to help settle your breast implants and facilitate your recovery. Most women return to work in about one week, and are able to begin low-impact exercise within two to three weeks. To ensure that you are able to resume your daily activities as quickly and safely as possible, Dr. Roach recommends that you carefully follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions.
If you’d like to learn more, contact the Bayside Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery near Tampa, Florida, to schedule a consultation regarding breast implants and recovery. In addition to answering your questions and helping you understand what your individual surgical experience may be like, Dr. Roach will be happy to provide details pertaining to other cosmetic procedures he performs, such as information about face lift recovery and face lift cost.