Common Tummy Tuck Questions

A tummy tuck is an excellent way to get rid of stubborn fat deposits and sagging skin on the abdomen. With this life-changing plastic surgery procedure, patients will gain a slimmer silhouette along with greater confidence while wearing their favorite swimsuits. 

If you’re considering a tummy tuck, there are probably a lot of questions on your mind. Here, we’ll answer the most commonly asked tummy tuck questions to help you decide if this procedure would be best for you. 

What Happens During a Tummy Tuck?

Before a tummy tuck, general anesthesia is administered to help keep you comfortable. Next, your surgeon will make a horizontal incision right underneath the bathing suit line, above the pubic area. If needed, your surgeon will make another incision around the belly button to remove excess skin from the upper portion of the abdomen. 

Using internal sutures, your surgeon will tighten loose muscles and soft tissues. The skin over the abdomen is then pulled down, achieving a tight look. Next, your surgeon will remove any excess skin to create a newer, natural-looking navel and close the incisions with sutures. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Good candidates for a tummy tuck maintain a stable weight or are very close to their goal weight. Additionally, ideal candidates for this procedure are non-smokers and are in overall good physical health. 

What’s the Recovery Process for a Tummy Tuck?

After a tummy tuck, patients are placed in a compression garment that must be worn for at least 4 to 6 weeks to reduce any inflammation after surgery. Patients typically can walk on the day of the procedure, but running and lifting must be avoided for 6 weeks afterward. 

For 7 to 10 days after a tummy tuck, patients will need to remain bent at the waist while standing or lying down to protect the incisions. Patients usually go back to work in 2 weeks, bruising will fade within a few weeks, and swelling will continue to go down over the course of the following 3 months. 

To learn more about the tummy tuck procedure, schedule a consultation at the Bayside Center today.


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