Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Operation

At the Bayside Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we believe in providing a holistic approach to your medical treatment. Therefore when a patient arrives at our office inquiring about a tummy tuck operation, we usually recommend they see our physical trainer or advise them to try therapy before we proceed. A tummy tuck procedure, or abdominoplasty, isn’t for people seeking a quick fix for the bulging in their abdomen. On the contrary, tummy tucks are for those who have tried to exercise away the excess fat and sagging skin around their midsection, but were unsuccessful.

Patients who typically want a tummy tuck operation are women who were pregnant or men who lost weight and now have excess skin around their abdomen. Weight gain can sometimes cause the skin and underlying muscles to stretch and not return to their former shape after the weight is lost. Tummy tucks, or body contouring, involve removing the excess skin and fat while tightening the abdominal muscle to achieve a flatter, smoother midsection.

Men and women in Trinity, Palm Harbor, Tampa, Spring Hill, Wesley Chapel, and other locations in Florida, can look to a tummy tuck operation to mend the following concerns:

  • An overhanging abdomen that is not in balance with the rest of body
  • Excess abdominal fat that exercise won’t remove Stretch-marked skin
  • Weakened muscle around the midsection due to aging or pregnancy

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