Author Archives: john roach

Reasons to Consider Breast Reconstruction

Breast cancer impacts hundreds of thousands of women in the United States each year. Some women diagnosed with breast cancer must undergo a mastectomy to get rid of the cancer cells and preserve their longevity. Whether a single mastectomy, in which one breast is removed, or a double mastectomy, in which both breasts are removed, this procedure can be damaging

Can Losing Weight Affect My Breasts?

After losing a significant amount of weight, you deserve to be proud of your accomplishment and see the results on your body. Unfortunately, weight loss can cause some cosmetic concerns, including changes to the breasts. Specifically, weight loss can cause lost volume, lost shape, and sagging of the breasts.  While losing weight can alter the appearance of your breasts, there

Do Implants Need To Be Replaced?

Implants are often used today in breast augmentation surgery. In this procedure, implants are placed inside the breasts to lift them and enhance their size. With breast implants, many women feel sexier and more confident.  One of the most common questions among patients considering breast augmentation is whether the implants will need to be replaced. While the answer to this

Botox vs. Fillers

Whether you’ve noticed wrinkles beginning to form around your eyes, or sagging skin in general, faces inevitably change over time. With a seemingly infinite number of anti-aging treatments on the market, it can be difficult to know which option is best for you. Fillers, and neuromodulator injections like Botox allow you to delay the signs of aging for a long

Tightening Your Tummy After a Baby

Having a baby is transformative, changing your life forever. It’s also a body-altering event, often with lasting impact. For most women, these changes include loose skin around the lower tummy, stretch marks, and general abdominal sagging. With diet and exercise, you can often minimize your new tummy pouch. But these efforts may not be enough to completely reverse the effects

What Are Gummy Bear Implants?

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures in the country, but the biggest reservation many women have is whether their breasts will look and feel natural afterwards. Gummy bear implants aim to change that, with a unique composition that results in a more natural-seeming result than other implant options. That natural look and feel comes from

Mini Facelift vs. Full Facelift – Which Is Right for You?

People doing what they can to look younger for longer is nothing new. Technology and technique is always advancing in the cosmetic surgery industry, and there are more options than ever for those looking to rejuvenate their face and seemingly go back in time. If you’ve spent much time researching, you’ve likely come across the facelift and the mini facelift.

Benefits of Post-Pregnancy Breast Augmentation

The female body is a wonder for how resilient it is through the pregnancy and post-birth phases of life. Even though it goes through huge changes in shape, size, and function through these times, sometimes things don’t quite go back to how they were before. Many new mothers turn to breast augmentation following breast feeding and pregnancy as a way

Cosmetic Surgery vs. Plastic Surgery

If you heard one of your friends say they wanted to have cosmetic surgery done, and another say that they want plastic surgery, would you think they were talking about the same thing? If so, you’re not the only one. Doctors and patients alike use the two terms almost interchangeably. While they are similar in how they are performed, the

What is Body Contouring?

Working out and eating healthy are instrumental in living a healthy life. And while these efforts are your best bet for weight loss, they’re often not enough to eliminate body fat everywhere you want. Loose, saggy skin can also pose a problem. But plastic surgery allows you to accomplish what nature, diet, and exercise alone cannot. Through strategic body contouring